Saturday, August 6, 2011

July Summer Fun!

Jessa's 25th Birthday
My 25th birthday was a week-long blast! I celebrated with family, friends, co-workers and Richard. My sweet husband surprised me with flowers, took me purse shopping and then to a nice dinner at Jasper's! :) I can't believe I'm officially in my mid-20' excited for what the future has in store!

Birthday Lunch with Grammy at La Madeleine!


Pedis at the Hawaiian Nail Spa!

Dinner, Drinks and Pedis for my 25th! Little Miss Jordyn joined the fun! :)

Birthday Happy Hour with a few of my co-workers!

Family Birthday Lunch!

Flowers from my sweet co-worker, Kristen!

Birthday lunch - Mom and Grandma!

Birthday lunch!
Margaritas with Mindy and Evan!

Mindy + Evan = Engagement Party
We are so happy that our college friends Mindy and Evan are getting married! The engagement party was so much fun and we know the planning process and big day will be one big party!

Mindy's Bridal Party (minus Vanessa)

A few of Evan's groomsmen

Yep, we lost the newlywed game. Ha!

Capital One Math Corps Pilot Program
One of my events this month was a Math Corps Pilot Program with 30 fourth graders in the Communities in Schools Dallas Program. I LOVE this age! We spent 3 weeks with these kids learning financial literacy and life skills from top level executives. The best part was eating like a 4th grader...burgers, chicken fingers and pizza...yum! I was sad to see these kids go, but hope to have made a positive impact in their lives.
Capital One Math Corps Pilot

This was one of my favorite kids, he cracked me up!

CARES Updates
In July we hosted an ice cream party and hot dog night! This was our first month serving only the Cliffs residents. As always, we had some of our favorite regulars in attendance. On a deeper note, we had the opportunity to assist a lady with MS in our property (she had to move to a different apartment this month). This was an eye-opening experience...and she was such a blessing to get to know! We also had the opportunity to babysit twins and a toddler for another CARES Team in need... we survived!

Babysitting twins!!

Playing with Caleb Baker while babysitting for another CARES Team
(the same ones we dog-sat for a few weeks ago)!

Chatting with Sonny during a CARES event.

Food and Fun

Sushi @ Shensei with my co-workers!

Richard received free Yogurt Land coupons during the premiere of Harry Potter...
at least something good came from him going to the midnight showing!

Feeding the ducks at the park in The Village!