Saturday, March 29, 2014

Visiting Texas - March 2014

One might think we ran to Texas in March to escape the never-ending winter that the Northeast is feeling this year. And one might be right, but that was just an added perk! We actually flocked back South to meet the newest addition to our family, Luke. Or…as we like to call him - The Honorable Luke Thomas Harris.

The trend started with Princess Chloe and Master Jude. I'm sure the mailman and amazon folks think we are strange ones when processing shipments for us. 

Well, they are probably right. 

Happy Birthday to my Mother-in-Law!

Woodland Hills

During our trip, we took a journey through memory lane in Nacogdoches. One morning we strolled through the golf course that Richard's grandparents owned, that he grew up on and spent many days chasing balls. The same golf course that I've heard countless stories about holes in one, "Papa jokes" and how he fought with his best friend Wesley about whether or not you could fight off the mountain lion that lived there with a golf club.

Richard's Grandparents House, also Richard Thomas.


Gigo's newest cutie in Tyler

We also got to spend time in Tyler at my grandmother's (who I call Gigo) house where I spent many summers and weekends growing up. I was always referred to as "the city girl" when I played with my country friends in her neighborhood. I remember wearing my first pair of (throwback) daisy dukes here, swimming in the lake, riding my first jet ski and spending countless hours outdoors. Sadly, these memories are starting to float from my Gigo's mind, but she was very excited by our visit. And also tried to give me her entire closet because she was worried I didn't have enough clothes in New York City… :)

Tyler, TX

Richardson, TX

Every time we come back it seems like more houses have been purchased and more babies are on the way. It is so fun to share life's journey with the best of friends. A very cute and pregnant Mindy gave us the official house tour and construction update from the work that was being done on their newly purchased home. It did not go without notice that the baby's room is larger than our bedroom… oh New York, you are killing me space-wise! And, of course, Paolo did not disappoint by introducing us to a new delicious Food Network recommendation, Afrah. Foodie friends are the best and time with them is always enjoyed so much!

Jude (4), Chloe (6)

Luke (little over 1 month)
We enjoyed a ton of niece and nephew time, out in the country near Fort Worth. Our little Princess Chloe (6) is quite the chicken wrangler. Jude (4), for some unknown reason, is talking in British accents "I'd like some cherry yogurt". And we have all decided that little Luke is going to be the Jamaican one in the bunch. Don't you love just how interesting and rich kids make our lives? And, of course, they make naps that much more necessary - ha!
Story time with Uncle Richard

My mom with Chloe and Jude preparing dinner…
have I told you how amazing of a cook my mom is?
 I'm slowly learning!

The boys cleaning up in the kitchen!
See Luke and Matt's resemblance? :)

Lots of kiddo time!

I always love visiting my grandmother in Lewisville. Her faith amazes me and it is inspiring that she has no fear in sharing it. I'm only 5 foot 2 (1/2!), but I feel so tall when I'm with my grandmother, mom and aunt. My grandmother was not happy that we squatted in the picture below, she actually made us retake it standing up straight. But I love this picture and each of them - so cute! My grandmother and her husband are currently living in an independent living community - and they love it! They actually have a cares team on-site, which is so fun since we were once a cares team of our own

My amazing mom + my aunt + my grandma + me

Pre-apartment tour!

Friends since 6th grade
Life throws so many curve balls at you. Actually. Let's be honest, sometimes life just dumps lemons on top of your head. It's so nice to always be able to go back to friends that center you, know you and allow you to just be. In your messiness, with lemons all around. So thankful for those friends that we have and hold so dear.

As our childhood reminds us, JessCow + BrenCow = BF4L
Meeting Baby Fish for the first time… and we are in love!
We also love his great parents!

Praise God. We got rid of our storage unit!

The Pettys made sure we had our fair share of Texas beer. They get us.

Fantastic way to spend our last full day in Texas. Love them.
Every time we are with the Petty's, a new adventure seems to unfold while we are remembering old adventures. This was my first time 4-wheeling, and I was terrified… but in a fun, exhilarating sort of way. Our wedding dresses even made an appearance that night. Thankful for friendships that are easy, restore and put laughter in your heart, because life is way too short to not experience these moments and memories.  

5+ years later, YES we can still fit in our dresses. 
Kaylie's crush - ALFORD! 
Until next time, Texas. Thanks for bringing us back to our southern roots little Luke…. "The Honorable". :)


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

My Day at the United Nations

My Day at the United Nations

The exciting thing about life is that every so often we have days where things just click. You sit back, take a breath and smile at the person next to you because the world we live in, for a very short period, begins to feel like it is on the right track. We are united. And there is so very much to do, but we are doing it.

Couple that with feeling like a giddy tourist in a very “let-me-take-a-million-pictures-right-now” kind of way and you get my day at the United Nations. 

I was so excited to attend the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's International Women's Day Forum (Turning Inspiration Into Action) at the United Nations. Among others, I got to hear Chelsea Clinton speak. I don’t care what political party you reside with, or shall I say hate... It was pretty darn cool hearing someone’s philanthropic heart and work in the advancement of women. And I don’t mean the “ummm no, I can open my own door” kind of “advancement”… I’m talking about the educational platform that is being push world-wide to show that women are not only important for family and community, but that they are strong drivers of economic opportunity.

During one of the breakout sessions I heard a very powerful story that I just have to share. The speaker, a doctor, talked about her time overseas working in a local clinic – a clinic that was too often under-staffed and equipped… causing people to lose their lives not because the knowledge was not present, but because the resources were not available. Basic medical supplies and equipment. Isn’t that horrible?

As you can imagine, women’s health (education, preventative medication, contraceptives, family planning) have taken a backseat. Scratch that, they aren’t even in the car.

One of the women in this town had a very difficult third pregnancy and almost died. When she became pregnant with her fourth child, she was told that she had one foot in the grave and unless she was able to go to the “better hospital”, she would likely lose her life. Which translates to a money game. Living in a patriarchal society, her father-in-law controlled the family business, the little money they had and the decisions. After much discussion, the father-in-law explained to the doctor that paying for his daughter-in-law to be sent to the “better hospital” was not a wise investment for the family. Investment.He said that if he sent her to the hospital he could not justify the ripple effects. “What if a higher-ranked family member became sick, what if the family business went under?”

By not choosing this “investment”… here is what happens:

The mother dies.
The third child now only has a 60% chance of surviving without the mother in the picture.
The husband has a mental breakdown, can no longer care for the children nor report to work.
The family business goes under.  
The oldest child is unable to pursue an education because she must care for the younger two children.
The remaining family members have to pull together resources to support this family – while dealing with losses from the family business…

When we don’t invest in women the ripple effects are wide. God created men and women to fit together in perfect harmony. We compliment each other – our strengths and weakness are intentional. By not investing in women, by not giving women a choice, by not ensuring women have educational opportunities… we throw off the intentional equilibrium.

Happy International Women's Day!

View from the front door of the UN!

At the UN

Turning Inspiration Into Action
Chelsea Clinton speaking about the Clinton Foundation's work.


Saturday, March 22, 2014

Florence, Italy

Florence, Italy
Everyone needs a trip to the countryside of Italy. It's just good for your soul. Between the wine and the views, you really feel like you are walking through a picture. 

Favorite Memory
Our hands-down favorite thing we did in Florence was a day tour of the countryside. We were paired with two other couples (one from Australia and one from Connecticut) and a tour guide who spent half of his life in Boston and the other half in Florence… so he had quite the accent and perspective. The day was filled with countryside views, cheese, breads, meats and wine, wine, wine. We learned all about Italian wines… how people live in Florence and we got to meet the Baron of one of the wineries that we enjoyed dinner. It was the perfect Florence experience. 

Via del Giglio 850100 Firenze, Italy
- Extremely cute bed and breakfast… adorable room… delicious breakfast! - 

Florence Cathedral
Piazza della Signoria and Palazzo Vecchio (famous square)
II Duomo – Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore
The Baptistery
Ponte Vecchio (only surviving bridge from medieval days)

Europe #9416 Firenze SMN (Sept 3 @ 12:15PM) to Venezia S Lucia (Sept 3 @ 2:20PM)

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Rome, Italy

Rome, Italy. 
Ah, when in Rome. You know how you have images in your head before you visit a place? And usually they are skewed by movies? Well, Rome was pretty spot on. Thanks Woody Allen for the sneak peak in To Rome With Love

Favorite Memory 
While walking to Vatican City (I know… that sounds very strange), we were complaining. We realized we had planned to visit Vatican City on a Sunday… and everything would be closed! After walking uphill, sweating and complaining some more we heard a voice. It was God telling us to quit complaining. I kid, I kid… It was the Pope! Telling us not to complain! No really though, it was Pope Francis… giving shout outs to the crowd in true Pope of the People style. How cool is that? We got to see/hear him live! We had no clue what he was saying… but still! 

Piazza San Pantaleo 3 Corso Vittorio Emanuele 187 00187
- So charming, wonderful views and huge room! - 

Sistine Chapel
Trevi Fountain
St. Peter’s Basilica (Vatican City)
Campo de’ Fiori (market by day, open air pub by night)

Rail Europe #9514 Roma Termini (Sept 2 @ 8:20AM) to Firenze SMN (Sept 2 @ 9:51AM)