Friday, April 25, 2014

Coffee + Breakfast = Monday + Friday: The Grind

Two years ago I remember saying to Richard.

"Ya know, I am kind of excited about moving to NYC because I feel like our schedules will slow down. We will have no obligations in the city. It will be like a very long vacation."

And that is when I learned…

We create the busy because we like the reward.

And that's not a bad thing.

We spend countless hours obtaining degrees so that we can push on toward our career goals. We use precious weekend time running errands to fix-up our apartments and homes so that they will reflect our sense of style and comfort. We carve out dinners, coffee chats and nights on the town with friends so that we have pictures and memories to hold on to for a lifetime.

Being busy creates a lot of rewards, and we need rewards in this life to keep chuggin' along. But sometimes we also need structured rest - for those busy minded folks, you understand that scheduling downtime is essential to actually achieving downtime.

Last year, I felt like Richard and I were pushing through the days - check, check, check - and keeping our eye on the 'goal' of those few hours we had together at night. So when work ran long, errands ate away time and life got in the way of those few precious hours it began to stress me out.

Together, we are trying a new season that I am really excited about. 

Coffee + Breakfast = Monday + Friday

We start and end our work week together, in the wee hours of the morning before life starts hacking away.
And it is wonderful.

Richard has also gotten into grinding coffee beans by hand. So every Monday and Friday, I enjoy coffee from my personal barista. Not a bad deal.

Here's to sipping a little calm before diving into the busy… the busy that we really do love so much.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

When NYC starts to feel like summer camp...

That's how I've been feeling lately.

As I've shared before, NYC is filled with extreme highs and extreme lows. It's challenging, but wonderful.

The rich part, the part we least expected, are the relationships. The community and comfort we have felt here in the Upper East Side. Our stretch of neighborhood that you can easily walk, where you run into people that you know, where you never have to leave because everything is at your fingertips.

In one month, we've had over 10 people share their "next step" plans with us. Because after all, no one's 20 year plan includes still living in this crazy amazing city. That's just not how it works here.

And that's okay. Or so I'm learning.

But it's hard.

We came to New York City for an adventure - and we are still on that roller coaster. It just sucks when it has to keep stopping to let people off. Those people that began to understand what dips scare you and what heights excite you. Your safety nets.

The great part though is that roller coaster will continue to let new people on - because roller coasters are exciting and there is always a line. People want to experience the exciting - and New York City is just that.

So while we are in this season of our lives, at our New York City "summer camp", our goals are simple.

Enjoy the greatest city of all with exploration, new experiences and daily life. Because after all, we did pray so long to be here… in this city we truly love. Soak in new relationships, allowing them to change our lives. Celebrate people's next steps and, of course, stay in touch. Never forget that God has us on our own rich journey, in His perfect plan. And that is where we find rest, peace and ultimate joy.

P.S. Maybe, just maybe, the closer we get to 30 my views are aligned with Seinfeld's thoughts in his stand-up on making friends in your 30's

Venice, Italy

Venice, Italy
So here's the thing about Venice. Everyone has a different opinion. We went for a single night… and that was the perfect amount of time. It really is an amazing place to see. I've never seen anything like it and one day, it will no longer be a place to see. Every corner is filled with beauty… and with every corner, you can get lost. Literally, it's a maze of beauty… where cell service does not work. So, if there is anywhere in Italy that you just might kill each other… it would be Venice… due to the frustration of getting lost. ;)

Favorite Memory
Eating gelato and sipping a coke along the water, watching the boats. Our entire time in Venice was filled with taking in the scenery… to see it all was simply amazing.

Ca San Vio
Dorsoduro 531 - Calle Delle Mende, Venice, VE, 30123 Italy
- All of the places to stay in Venice are old and musty since it floods so often… but our breakfast was amazing! It was delivered to our room and filled with delicious pastries, tea and coffee! - 

Watch the gondolas
View the Grand Canal and vaporettos
Eat gelato
Stand in the middle of the magnificent piazza San Marco to see three major sites: St Mark’s basilica, Doge’s Palace, Torre dell’Orologio
Drink an ombra and spritz (yuck… I was not a fan)

EasyJet Flight 4296 Venice Marco Polo (Sept 4 @8:45PM) to Paris Orly (Sept 4 @ 10:25PM)