Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Los Angeles and Las Vegas... Here we come!

Us celebrating with the Britts before their journey back to Cali!
Our dear friends, Ben and Crystal Britt, moved back home to LA! What a sad day for us...but, that means we get to visit them in LA! Ben went to UT-Dallas...and Crystal moved to Texas after she finished college to be with Ben. Shortly after, they were married! We got to become great friends with them in Woodcreek Bible Church's 20's group. They have invited us to their "neck of the woods" in LA! We are super excited!

Since Vegas is a quick car trip away, we decided we couldn't pass up the opportunity!
We will spend our next three nights on the Vegas strip. We are staying at Planet Hollywood, seeing Circe De Sole's Ka and Cris Angel's Magic Show, eating a TON of food, enjoying yummy food and drinks and meeting up with my sweet friend from High School, Stacy. We lucked out, Stacey and Gilbert will be there one of the same days as us. We can't wait!

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