Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A whirlwind of fun.

The past 4 days have been crazy for us...but so fun and very rewarding! 
We were able to serve approx. 120 people at our CARES Thanksgiving Dinner!
We could not have done it without the help of friends and family.

Our little nephew, Jude, hanging out at our CARES Thanksgiving Dinner.

Our sweet niece, Chloe, helping at the CARES Thanksgiving Dinner.

Keep Mesquite Beautiful (Jessa's nonprofit) was lucky enough to have the Litter Force (very cool educational presentation from TxDot in partnership with Keep Texas Beautiful) come to Mesquite, TX! We made the news - FOX 4!!

Celebrating Richard's 25th Birthday in New York City! This picture was taken in Times Square. We had the opportunity to stay at TPN's corporate apartment (Richard's company)...enjoy a wonderful french dinner at La Mirabelle..and Richard got to jog in Central Park.

We added a new state...CT!

Keep Mesquite Beautiful hosted Mesquite Recycles Day on Saturday! We had over 600 vehicles drop off e-waste, shred documents and donate used items to local nonprofits. Another successful event!

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