Saturday, May 7, 2011

Travel, Easter and Friends!

Our sweet college friends, Jenn and Matt, invited us to spend a long weekend in Minnesota with them (where they currently live) and their newest addition, Brooklyn. Mindy and Evan flew up with us too! We had a blast. Friday night we celebrated Matt's 25th birthday in Minneapolis at Psycho Suzi's. On Saturday we spent the day at Mall of America shopping, eating lunch at Crave and riding roller coasters in the theme park! On Sunday, we drove to Wisconsin to tour a winery (unfortunately Richard and I had to miss out on the tastings b/c we got food poisoning), but we still had a great time! For dinner we ate at a Rachel Ray favorite - 112 Eatery. YUM!  Monday was our last day, we went to Hell's Kitchen and then had a Home Alone moment running to our gate to catch our flight in time...really, they called our names over the intercom, and they were shutting the door as we sprinted. Haha 

In Minneapolis @ Psycho Suzi's celebrating Matt's birthday!

Mall of America - Lego Land

Crossing the state line!

Winery in Wisconsin... it looked like a castle!

Minnesota visiting friends.

We spent Easter with my parents and one of my best friends Amy, her boyfriend and their adorable little girl - Jordyn! After church at Fellowship Dallas, we had lunch at our place and decorated Easter Eggs!

Our Easter egg creations. Yes, Richard made a Ninja Turtle... :)

Another love story!
One of Brenda's childhood friends had a really fun wedding. We had a great time! 

Other fun updates... 

Alpha Gams - Love these girls!

Happy Hour at Nylo with Amy and Brenda

Rough Riders Game

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