Thursday, April 12, 2012

Saying Goodbye to Dallas

I've never experienced a move before and I believe even if you have, each stage of your life is so different. Richard and I are experiencing a mixture of pure excitement, wonder and joy about our NYC adventure...but a very bittersweet feeling leaving our wonderful nest of good friends and family. During this time I thought everything would go by so fast, but it has been quite the opposite. I have been enjoying every minute of dinner with friends, birthday celebrations, church services, bachelorette parties and just seeing people... much more than I have ever appreciated. Friendships and family relationships are such a work in progress and take time to develop and moving to a new city feels like you are starting over again. In my moments of anxiety, I have been reminded by friends that have moved away that you are gaining a new experience and a new network... you aren't losing what you have worked so hard to are just making it bigger and better!

It's funny... when you prepare to leave a city,
you start to see all the reasons you love a city and it's uniqueness.
We've also been told by other "traveling" couples that when you move away from everyone you know ~ you each rely on one another more than ever before...building a new strength in your relationship. Richard and I have been thinking about what we want to get out of our time in NYC and what we want to accomplish. We have started our little list and hope to share those experiences with you in the upcoming months as we head down our journey together. We are pretty pumped!

Here is a glimpse into our lives as we prepare to leave Dallas...

Goodbye Lunch With Our Families :: Tex-Mex Style!

Goodbye Dinner @ Gloria's With Prit & Dana
(2 very sweet ladies I worked with at the City of Mesquite in the Fire Dept)

Goodbye Lunch @ Ali Baba's with my Community Service / Historic Mesquite Crew!

Richard heading off to NYC to meet with our broker and find an apartment!

St. Patty's Day Parade with Alisa, Brandee & Amy!

Richard boo-ing the NY Rangers! :) Our niece, Chloe, was SO ready for some cake at our Going Away Lunch!

Our super cute cake that Bren made! Love her and her talents!
Our "Going Away Fiesta"!
Our "Going Away Fiesta" included a pinata, playing Loteria (Mexican BINGO), Cascarones (basically throwing confetti filled eggs at each other...yep, look at that amazing shot up there) and other fun games! 
Our "Southern Style Farewell" included a crawfish boil and frying just about every food you can think of!
 Fried PB&J and  Pickles were two of my favs!

Our "Southern Style" Farewell!

Saying Goodbye to Sean at our fav spot - Pluckers!

Saying goodbye to Jessa at "Into My Garden Tea Room" in Downtown Plano!

Saying goodby to Grammy at her farewell concert!

My Capital One co-workers!
Goodbye Happy Hour with Richard's Co-Workers!
Richard's co-workers gave him a goodbye sign with a mini-van when they found
out we were driving to NYC in one! :)

Saying Goodbye to Christie & Frank :: Our friends we met in the CARES Program!

Walking Sonny home one last time... It has been such a blessing developing a relationship with her! The night before we left, she brought tons of food (as usual) and two dresses, fingernail polish and cooking pans for us. So thoughtful.
Goodbye Texas!

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