Saturday, July 21, 2012

26 & Dallas.

It has finally happened. I have entered the second quarter of my life. AHHHHHHHH. Just kidding. I still have a 2 starting with my age, I think I will be OK. For four more years anyways... ;)

Well, as I told my family, God must know how much I love my birthday since He sent us back to Dallas for it! It was quite a whirlwind, especially since we had a 6AM flight from Florida to get there! However, in-between the chaos of travel and work, we were beyond excited to see friends and family. I am not a fan of large mixed crowds - they are exhausting and I feel like you miss out on good conversation and catching up. Luckily we were able to meet with separate groups of people during our short trip - sure, we might have had two dinners in one night, but who's counting?

It has only been 3 months since we left Dallas for NYC, and I was worried that my niece and nephew would be driving cars and dating - but luckily, Chloe has not started kindergarten yet, and Jude is still very much a little one. 

Being in Dallas felt... strange. It was our home, but it was not our home. We got to drive a car on familiar streets while having personal space (you do not get this privilege outside of your apartment in NYC), our hotel room was larger than our apartment, we listened to Kidd Kradick, watched our familiar local news anchors and splurged in Taco Bueno and Whataburger - not to be found in The Big Apple. We enjoyed coronoa-rita's, tex-mex, biscuits & gravy and good company. Until we meet again Dallas...

Our favorite part of coming back to New York City is the skyline - there is nothing like the view of the skyline you get driving back to your apartment (although, I get SO car sick in the taxis). But, of course, the best part is getting our sweet doggies, Pickle and Sundae, back home with us. Play time must have worn them out - they put themselves to bed. That never happens!

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