Friday, August 3, 2012

We have......what's that word? CABLE.

Actually, let me be more clear - we have actual TV stations again.

So, upon moving to New York City, we decided to hold off on cable to save money in the city that takes all your money. For the past 3 months we have been without cable (I know I just lost some of you)... and since we are in-between buildings, we were not able to even get news stations with the digital box and antenna. 90 days, no news, no sports, no reality tv, no sitcoms...basically no connection to the outside world.

To be fair, NYC has kept us quite busy - however, we still caved.

I am happy to say, I can once again watch shows like UFO Hunters, if I so choose. Just kidding...I'm not that strange...maybe.

Welcome back television, you have been missed!

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