Thursday, September 26, 2013

A Scarf Exchange

I know I've said this a ton, but I just love Fall. I am beyond happy it has arrived in New York City! The  chill in the air has brought calm days and perspective on enjoying the little moments in our life. I've been practicing the art of saying "yes" and "no." I totally understand that sounds like an oxymoron. And it is, I suppose. So let me explain...

I have been trying to say "yes" to things like... eating healthy, working out with friends, cooking new recipes, reading more, having quiet time on the couch, staying organized when I feel like stress is creeping in, taking bubble baths, enjoying a cup of tea, lighting a candle, sleeping a full eight hours, making new memories and navigating the weekends without a checklist or full calendar.

I have been trying to say "no" to things like... worrying about things I can't control, trying to accomplish too much in one day, eating out of boredom or stress, over-scheduling my social life, eating out too much, staying up too late, needing constant approval from others, and fear of the unknown.

Basically, being happy where we are in our lives and enjoying as much as possible. Focusing on what I love in life. Let's face it, we are never going to enjoy scrubbing the toilet... but you can always reward yourself with a glass of wine, right? ;) Two things I really enjoy about the Fall are being outdoors and scarves.

A few months ago, Richard started a monthly men's roundtable with some of our Apostles guys on the Upper East Side. He had been wanting to really dive deep into the Bible and discuss challenging and uncomfortable questions. I just love this! This month the guys grabbed pizza and pumpkin beer and journeyed through a difficult topic, openly and through ahead of time prep. Since the guys were occupied, I thought the ladies should do something special... A Scarf Exchange!!!

We had such a fun time chatting, sipping on lattes and wine at our favorite neighborhood park, Carl Schurz!

Scarf Exchange Rules
- Everyone brings a new or used scarf
- Numbers are drawn
- Two steals; once the scarf has touched a third set of hands, it is frozen
- First person has the opportunity to steal anything at the end

I also asked everyone to tell a joke when it was their turn! This was such a fun girls' night: extremely low cost, we enjoyed the Fall breeze outdoors and got to take home a new scarf (or two)! Great way to update your wardrobe and swap out a style you have worn several times.

Happy Fall!

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