Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Mindy + Evan Visited NYC!

You know those friends that you can pick right up where you left off with? That's how we feel about some of our best friends, Mindy and Evan! Life throws a lot of changes your way in your 20's and it is so special to be able to share that journey with friends.

Central Park
We have been so excited to share New York City with them….for one reason. FOOD!

"My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four unless there are three other people." - Orson Welles

Macaroons at Smorgasburg
They love food. We love food. This city is known for food. It was a magical weekend of deliciousness and I am still recovering.

Pil Pil
We kicked off Friday with two of our favorites - thai at Spice and sangria at Pil Pil. I truly believe Fall is one of the best times of the year to enjoy New York City and our neighborhood favorites did not disappoint with Halloween decor. We also believe that there are a few "touristy-musts" when visiting - Grand Central Station, riding a subway and taxi and visiting Times Square. Check, check, check! We ended the night at Union Square's quirky Coffee Shop for drinks and dinner at one of Anthony Bourdain's favorites - Motorino Pizza (where we ran into another one of our favorite couples - The Birds!).

On Saturday we grabbed bagels from HandH (fun fact - several bagel places are open 24/7…24/7 people!!!). We took a long, beautiful, Fall-filled stroll through Central Park. And then headed to the one… the only… SMORGASBURG! Think food festival on crack with the Manhattan skyline in the background. I know, sounds wonderful right?? We tried over 15 vendors and then sat in the grass, happy and sleepy.

I'll just show you with pictures:

Love these two!
Our favorite item of the day!
Tur-duck-en Sandwich
Turkey, Duck and Chicken
After all that eating we earned ourselves some more calorie intake, right? Sure! Our night ended with drinks at High Life and The Meatball Shop. Meatballs by the dish, in a variety of flavors, made to order…and amazing. And then we rolled off to bed. 

meatballs on meatballs on meatballs
On Sunday, we kicked off our day with a visit to Maison Kayser. This "oh-my-gosh-I-could-eat-the-counter" bakery is Paris born, with 18 locations in Paris and 6 in other countries…and only ONE in the United States. Declicieux!

Maison Kayser
Next we headed to the 9/11 Memorial… always filled with emotion and awe. For lunch we introduced Mindy and Evan to Shake Shack on the Upper West Side. If Richard could live on Shake Shack, he would. In fact, we had it yesterday for lunch.

Central Park
Our afternoon was spent enjoying the Natural History Museum (every time we go I picture Ben Stiller running with dinosaurs…don't you?). We also went back to Central Park because, really,  who can get enough of Central Park in the Fall (and grabbed hot tea from Cafe Noi)?! And then to my favorite hidden gem in the city - Carl Schurz Park!

Central Park Reservoir
Central Park Chill-axin
Another sweet couple (and alpha gam!!) was in NYC the same weekend from San Fran. We had dinner at The Smith and caught up on life - it was so fun! The Smith has delicious food (you will crave the pork chops for months to come and hands-down the best cheesy grits EVER) but what I really love is the fun photo booth! 

Photo Booth Fun
Loved our mini-reunion dinner!
We had a very early goodbye on Monday morning, but hugged saying "see you in 2 weeks"…since we are headed down South for a Dallas visit!

"A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, 
and one of the best things you can be." 
-Douglas Pagels 

And for your enjoyment… some more Smorgasburg yumminess...

"One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating." 
- Luciano Pavarotti and William Wright

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