Sunday, February 16, 2014

Love and Snow.

and Love.
                     We have certainly had our fair share of snow in New York City this winter.                  
                                                          The Texan in me still loves it.
                                 Can you believe this is our 9th Valentine's Day together? 
Richard is still full of surprises.

A few years ago we came to NYC in hopes that an interview was the 
ticket to our move to this amazing city.

God's timing is always perfect. And that was not the perfect time.
But it was a fun trip, full of adventure and excitement. 
We walked to this charming little French restaurant on the Upper West Side, La Mirabelle

Dinner was amazing. We still talk about that dinner to this day. 

Richard took me back to the same restaurant on this snowy Valentine's in New York City. 

I know. He's a keeper isn't he? 
For dessert, we went to Edgar's Cafe

A little flashback in time Edgar Allan Poe style. 

We were the last ones there.

               A perfect end to a snowy Valentine's night in New York City.                                       
And snow.

We have had so much snow. 

Isn't our street pretty?                                     
The freezing temperatures haven't stopped us girls from getting together.

We sipped on tea and wine at Le Pain Quotidien and got crafty. 

Because what girl doesn't love a fun Valentine's Day craft?
Our community group munched on sweets during our Tuesday night gathering.

Because there are never too many sweets in the month of February. 

We enjoyed homemade (heart shaped!) pizza with some dear friends. 

           A much needed night of friendship.                       

On another snowy night, our Community Group cozied up on a couch.

A movie and popcorn was just what the weather ordered.
Lots and lots and lots of reading happens when it snows.

Our nephew was born in Texas! 

Isn't Luke sweet? 
The family of five.

I hear that Jude is warming up to his new baby brother. 

We can't wait to meet this little guy in March. 
Snow also causes you to do crazy things with your friends. 

Like 3D puzzles. Of New York City. 
And how could I forget?

The Super Bowl was in New York City this year. 

The snow held off just for the game.

I'm a sucker for a Super Bowl party.

Snow and Love. Love and Snow. 

1 comment:

  1. So pretty!!! Love all the pics and the look back at Snow!!! :)
