Saturday, October 13, 2012

Niagara Falls, Canada

We drove through Northwest New York to Niagara Falls, Canada for the gorgeous Fall view, to see Richard's grandparents while they were visiting Canada and to see the falls! 

Things not to say to Canada Customs OR US Customs...


Customs: Why are you coming to Canada? 
Jessa: Just to visit!
Customs: I'm going to need you to elaborate. (angry stare) 
Jessa: To see the falls. (smile)
Customs: You are only staying one night?
Jessa: Yes, well we are going to see his grandparents.....they are on a bus... 
Customs:  (confused look)

Customs: You flew to Buffalo and rented a car?
Jessa: No, we live in the city. Yes, we rented a car.
Customs: You drove all this way for one night.
Jessa: Yes... 
Customs: Ok, you can go. (angry stare)


Customs: Citizenship?
Jessa: Yes. 
Customs: (Pause...) 
Jessa: Oh, United States! (Richard shakes head)

Customs: Where do you live?
Jessa: Ummmm......Dal-New-York

Customs: You only stayed for one night?
Jessa: Yep! We were seeing his grandparents, and the falls, they were on a bus visiting...
Customs: Can you please sit back so I can see him
Richard: (Scoots up and smiles at customs agent)
Customs: Take off your sunglasses . . . Okay, you can go

Pickle and Sundae exploring a new part of New York!
They loved the road trip and we loved having a car!

LOVE the colors of the leaves!
Binghamton, NY - Rod Serling's hometown (creator of the Twilight Zone)!

Maid of the Mist: Niagara Falls, Canada
Funniest part of the ride....a girl from China in her 20's asked Richard to take her picture with the falls behind her....the next thing I knew, she grabbed me and insisted I pose with her because "I nice, I nice, see smile, I nice, I promise!"... I guess my picture is now on her Facebook with a caption "Me and American Girl". 

Breakfast with Richard's grandparents in Niagara Falls, Canada.

Niagara Falls

View of Niagara Falls from the Skylon Tower at night.

Niagara Falls with the Maid of the Mist boat heading toward the falls - we were soaked!
It was such a cool experience. Crazy thing we learned...
people have actually fallen over the falls and lived to tell about it.

Skylon Tower at night

View from the Skylon Tower 

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