Wednesday, July 10, 2013

My friend with a big heart.

I love all-things that make me ask why - especially when it comes to people. This is a trait that I find often goes hand in hand with quirkiness, another trait I love. I suppose this is how I ended up with my quirky tattoo that makes people ask why, almost 10 years ago. I have been counting down the days until my former co-worker turned great friend came to NYC. When I first met Brenda Diaz, I couldn't keep up with her fast, fast, fast talking. I knew she would fit right in with this fast-paced city.

My friend with a big heart came to New York to visit this past weekend, explore and check-off another travel spot. She came with five girls under the age of 18. Yes, five. All girls. Hormonal, fashion-loving and boy-searching girls. She told me that someone recently asked her about her five girls, and one of the older girls was quick to answer that only two were from the same father - so a total of four men helped to create these funny, giggly girls. You really have to love their honesty.

What I love about my friend, is that she has been a foster mom to so many kids over the years that I have lost count. She also has two girls of her own. She's a rockstar foster mom in a world of frustrating government red tape, meetings on top of meetings, language barriers, and a range of issues that spread so wide I didn't know they existed. Sad, frustrating and heart-breaking issues that show you just how cruel this world and the people in it can be. I know this because we used to have offices next to each other. Oh yes, she holds down a full-time job too. I've watched her coordinate schedules, paperwork, language classes, school projects and government I.D.'s - all in hopes that these children will have a better life and become so well educated that they not only never return to their former lives, but that they become advocates and role models for others in those same situations.

It's situations like this that make me want to ask why when I see something a little quirky, a little off-beat. The good stories usually flow in the natural lives of those around us and unless we ask why, we just might miss the because and I live for the because in this world of uncertainty. I'm thankful for friends that show me the love of God in their every day actions, decisions and lives.

And I'm always, always, always thankful for the Texans that make the trek to the Big Apple.

Dylan's Candy Bar - NYC

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