Tuesday, July 23, 2013

An Entrepreneurial Perspective on Philanthropy

The more I am exposed to the nonprofit and corporate philanthropy realms, the deeper I believe in entrepreneurial philanthropy. While I certainly understand the push back for nonprofits falling in line with business principles, I think a new view, openness and approach are on the horizon. When nonprofit organizations have the drive and ability to become self-sustaining, amazing things can happen. Society's views of the purpose of philanthropic funds and charitable giving has to change. Understanding that an organization is not a pure funnel of money is critical to the success of solving societal issues. Additionally, it is imperative to understand that well-meaning, passionate individuals are not always the only ones to grab when trying to solve for a larger issue. Strategic thinking, financial understanding and talented partnerships are rare gems that are starting to make more frequent appearances. I love the below article and take on the issue...

"There are many philanthropists and volunteers who act locally, giving tirelessly, donating their time and money to help the sick, poor and other individuals most in need. But why stop there? Philanthropic work on the local level is wonderful, but time and again it has proven incapable of reaching the scale we need to foster economic development and leading to the monumental changes we all seek.

Doesn’t philanthropy deserve, indeed require, the same level of audacious hope and limitless opportunity as do our business ventures? Our power to impart positive change goes well beyond our communities. We can surely think about both–our communities and the world beyond–and act on the same." Naveen Jain, Forbes Read More....

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