Friday, August 2, 2013

faith and work

Faith and the workplace is hard. Very hard. Trying not to offend others but staying true to what centers you is a such an exhausting struggle. Why is it that we all, no matter our faith, background, or views are so quick to hide what makes us who we are? Isn't that the beauty of this life and our journeys in it?

I just returned from a team retreat. And by just returned, I mean I had a flight cancellation. Then ended up in Atlanta, Georgia. And finally, after midnight, returned to LaGuardia airport and groggily arrived back to our Upper East Side home close to 1AM. Greeted happily by sloppy kisses from Pickle and Sundae. Richard even made one of my favorites, homemade popcorn with a kick of spice. Love my welcome team!

I've always believed that sharing your authentic story with others is the best way to navigate through friendships, family and even career. However, I've never fully understood how to share that authentic, untethered story in the workplace until this week. And for that, I am thankful. Sharing my faith allows others to understand why most days, I am stress-free at work. Why I strive to make change in our communities and fight for those that need someone. The importance and lead role that family and friends will always take in my life - and how that forces the balancing act of work and life. And it gives understanding to what it is that I lean on in times of struggle, confusion and hardship.

I feel like I am on a constant path of reminders. This week, I was reminded that God gives us all talents. It is our job to discover those talents and put them into action in this world for positive change. Our talents all differ, as they should. In the context of career, remembering that my daily journey of making positive, real change in our communities through the corporate world is something that I've been equipped to do, and thankfully, love to do most days. It is important that I do not seek constant approval through job titles, salary or praise - making positive change in this world through my God-given strengths is all I am called to do while loving my family, friends and centering my journey around my faith. 

A great takeaway...

Share your story throughout your journey in life. Over the years, you will gain different perspectives and learn various lessons from the same story you have told time and time again. Never stop telling it, learning from it and allowing others to learn with you.

Cheers to telling your story, wherever that might be.

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