Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmastime in the city. NYC 2013.

BAM. Christmas arrived in New York City. And I just loved it. Loved, loved, loved it. 
This year, we stayed in the city and soaked in the magical lights and sights.

It's funny how much one single day holds. Christmas Day. This day shines light on childhood memories, it highlights what we have to be thankful for, it reminds us of grief and family issues, it makes us happy to be part of a family… and for many, it is a day of rest. A day to symbolize hope for a new year ahead… hope for health, prosperity and that those life struggles we face would fade away in the New Year.

Dear Christmas, we put a lot of pressure on you. But that's OK, you seem to return to us every year… full of jolly and sparkle. And you come knocking down the door ready for the celebration of Jesus… so that we may be well equipped to face those life struggles that will certainly come in the New Year. Among the holiday parties, delicious calories, festive cocktails and gifts upon gifts, you find your way to our hearts and allow us peace, comfort and celebration.

Christmas will never be perfect because life is not perfect. But we will choose to celebrate, among a broken world filled with dissapointment, heartache and sadness. Why? Because this is not our final stop… and for that I am thankful. I love the life that I've been blessed with - even through the messiness it often brings. But this Christmas I celebrate that I'm still on my journey… all because our Savior was born in a manger on that cold night in Bethlehem.

Merry Christmas from New York City, our favorite place on Earth. Here's our guide to celebrating Christmas in NYC…

Grab some friends for photo fun!

Listen to carolers in the snow at your neighbor tree lighting - Carl Schurz Park 

See THE Christmas tree in Rockefeller! 

Get fancy for a black tie party with friends…

…and drink, sing and laugh the night away.

Give back to the community by volunteering 

See the tree at the glorious Plaza Hotel!

Shop for your holiday favorites at your local grocery store, Trader Joe's!

Be suckered into decorating your church on Sunday mornings for Advent. ;) 

Take so many strolls through your neighborhood in the beautiful snow...

Have the weather be a constant conversation with strangers!

Sip fun, warm and festive cocktails in tiny New York apartments with friends.

Quote your favorite Christmas movies every chance you get.

Check out the holiday shops in Bryant Park, Grand Central and Union Square.

Stare at the ice skaters. 

See one of your favs in concert!  

Drink mulled wine with friends while it snows. 

Enjoy laughs during your community group's White Elephant Exchange!

See the oversized Christmas decor across the city!

Keep up with your family in Texas through a ton of photos and texts! :)

Enjoy candlelight service and good company during dinner.

 Make your mom's recipes for Christmas Day.

Stroll through Central Park with your love on Christmas Day at sunset. 

See a movie and window displays on Christmas Day!

Have "A Christmas Story" dinner at a Chinese restaurant! 

Snuggle with your furry favorites! <3 nbsp="" p="">

Isaiah 9:6-7

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.  Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this.

1 comment:

  1. Jessa, you really spoke to my heart with this blog. Hope you don't mind if I share. Miss you lots.
