Saturday, December 14, 2013

Thanksgiving in New York City. 2013 Edition.

Thanksgiving flew by and officially launched the Christmas season for us. We gobbled til we wobbled… and then gobbled some more.

This year we are extremely thankful for the close friendships we have made in this magical city. A city that can easily become very lonely and large. We are thankful for our health, for a happy marriage and for careers that utilize our talents and passions. We are thankful for the opportunities we've had to travel this year and to experience our world through a variety of tastes and sights. And we are thankful for the strength and comfort we find in prayer when life takes unexpected twists and turns, as often seems the case.

Thanksgiving flashback…

Volunteering at The Bowery Mission

Thanksgiving-Eve Drinks with friends at Vero Wine Bar

Upper West Side Balloon Line-Up on Thanksgiving-Eve

Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade

One my favorite recipes from my mom… cherry jello-nut salad!

Thanksgiving Day fun with our NYC family!
So thankful for them and Friendsgiving!

Post- Thankgiving Thai Friendsgiving

Love dinner parties and this group!

Black Friday online shopping… :) 

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