Friday, September 24, 2010

A "cute" education ... "Pickle & Sundae sized bones" ... An American dinner seasoned with Indian culture ...

I was very excited to start my Nonprofit Leadership Certification at SMU today! I have wanted to work toward the NPLC for about a year! I was so inspired and encouraged at all the Nonprofit Leadership in one room. The certification is a 12 week cohort style program. I have so much to learn and I feel very blessed to be a part of this program. I absolutely love the nonprofit realm and my job. I can't wait to see where God takes me in my career. Jessa
The very cute bag they gave us with our books!

Being a CARES team allows us to meet people in all walks of life and from all around the world. Recently, we had the opportunity to spark a friendship with Roshni. She moved to The Village this past month from India to attend the MBA program at SMU. Richard helped her out by building her a desk. We invited Roshni to dinner last night. We had the opportunity to share cultures, food, sports, ideas, politics and just life in general. It was great! Roshni is very scared of dogs, so we bought HUGE bones for Pickle and Sundae...they entertained themselves all night (they also did not make a dent in those bones). Roshni gave us a bottle of wine as a thank-you for dinner. How sweet!

Sundae and her new bone!
Pickle and her new bone!


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