Monday, September 27, 2010

An eventful September!

Tortilla Soup Night
(Richard made all the soup!)
September always seems to be one of the busier times of the year for us! As you know, Jessa runs Keep Mesquite Beautiful (a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that aims to educate kids and adults on environmental education...through special events and programs). Richard and Jessa serve as a CARES Team at The Village in Dallas through the nonprofit, Apartment Life, Inc. (our mission is to serve our neighbors by building community and friendship through special events...and help out in special times of need). See what events we have been up to... :)

Richard prepping for a CARES breakfast!

One of our sweet volunteers, Michelle!
More sweet volunteers, Molly and Natalie.

The CARES Team that we are helping to mentor.
The CARES Team we are helping to mentor.

Keep Mesquite Beautiful's
2nd Annual Recycling Fashion Show
Richard volunteered to oversee the judging process...he did a fantastic job!
He even created a scoring database for us.

Jessa and her co-chairs, Susie & Brandee!
Keep Mesquite Beautiful's
Trash Bash
Richard helping to pass out the pizza to deliver to the Mesquite Fire Department. The event was cancelled due to, we had a TON of pizza to distribute!

One of Jessa's best friends, Kristi, showing off her umbrella during the rain. Kristi is a teacher for Mesquite ISD and volunteers at a lot of Jessa's Keep Mesquite Beautiful events.


  1. What a great thing y'all are doing! We do a lot of Non for profit stuff- I'll send some your way see if you're interested.
